Latest News

- Grain Crop farming.
- Staff training sessions on morden farming techniques.
- Modern farm equipment park .
- Farm site electrification projects

2024 CWAY Dairy Farm ongoing projects

Wellcome Nigeria Food Industry Co. Ltd officially on Thursday June 27th 2024, launched her new unique 3 layer puff snack food products in grand style event in Abuja Nigeria.

The highly anticipated event brought together diverse group of stakeholders, including business partners, distributors, media representatives, influencers, and members of the general public.

The launch event featured a comprehensive introduction of the Wellcome Snack brands, followed by the official unveiling of Company's products. Guests were also treated to a guided tour of the state-of-the-art factory facilities, showcasing the company's commitment to quality and excellence. This successful launch event marks a significant milestone for Wellcome Nigeria Food Industry Co Ltd , as she sets out to make her mark in the competitive snack food market sector.

The company's commitment drive is indeed poised on providing high-quality snacks to consumers, desire for growth and expansion in the coming months of the year .

Notable Names: Mr Will Li (GM), Mr Vishal Singh (DGM), Mr Pradeep Singh (Plant Manager), Mr Akinrimisi Samuel (AGM Marketing), Mr Falase Emmanuel (Brand and Marketing Manager).

Product Offering:
Wellcome snacks is a first of it’s kind 3-layered chips.
The product is crafted using advanced Japanese technology.

Brand Tagline:
WELLCOME SNACKS – Single Crunch, Triple Delight

Target Market:
Primary - Young Adults in the 16-25 age bracket
Secondary – Every Chip snack consumer.

Spicy Chicken


Consumer Benefits:
Wellcome snacks is nutritious, gives a crunchy satisfaction and triples your delight at every single crunch


1. Logistics, Ota – Tournament Winners
2. Sagamu Plant – First Runner- up
3. Plant 2 Isolo – Second Runner –up
4. QA/QC/Engineering, Ota – Third Runner up

- 1st Position - 250,000
- 2nd Position - 200,000
- 3rd Position - 150,000
- 4th Position - 100,000
- Most Valuable Player - 25,000
- Highest Goal Scorer (Golden boot) - 45,000
- Best Goal Keeper - 25,000


- Grain Crop farming.
- Staff training sessions on morden farming techniques.
- Modern farm equipment park .
- Farm site electrification projects .

2023 CWAY Dairy Farm ongoing projects.

CWAY Nigeria Water Company Division Isolo Lagos welcomed students of Oxbridge Tutorial College Ikeja Lagos: Nigeria's first leading sixth form for an exciting excursionary trip round her ultra modern water treatment plant on the 13th January 2023.

At this visit, Oxbridge Tutorial College students were exposed to CWAY company's HSE safety rules at induction sessions, Company's Culture, Company's premium brands and of course, lectured on global best practices in water treatment plant.

CWAY Nigeria Water Company Division Isolo Lagos welcomed students of Oxbridge Tutorial College Ikeja Lagos.
- 13th January 2023

Irasusi Shagamu Community Primary School : got a new building facility founded by CWAY Nigeria and commissioned by his highness Oba Timothy Oyeshola Akinsanya alongside his high Chiefs

Present at the occasion, were Irasusi community associations, CWAY top management, Ogun State's Director of education, Irasusi school's current and outgoing head teachers and notable guests personalities who claimed to be “old students”of this notable primary school back in 1960's thus, confirmed that the school was the first and only primary school then , that served more than thirteen village communities.

Special appreciations was collectively sent to management of CWAY for this great fit of communial development for others to emulate in the future.

CWAY Group's Completed School Building CSR Project in Shagamu Ogun State Nigeria.
- 28th September 2022

On 22nd of July, CWAY Water Company made a visit to the Managing Director of Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA), Mr. Ibrahim Odumboni and presented 15 ‘CWAY Branded Recycling Bins'as part of company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), towards the Lagos Recycle initiative to help keep PET bottles off the streets.

The Event took place at LAWMA Head Office, Ijora-Olopa, Lagos.

The Recycling bins will be subsequently deployed in Muritala Muhammed International Airport, Ikeja City Mall, Maryland Mall, Central Mosque Alausa, Pleasant Event Centre Ikeja and other prime locations across the metropolis for public use.

Deployment will begin in the month of August as Government Offices in Lagos are currently closed for PVC registrations.

CWAY Water CSR Sponsorship collaboration with Lagos Waste Management Authority
- July 22nd 2022

Mr Terseer Taakper is a dedicated staff who distinguished himself recently in CWAY group's Sub Sector : “CWAY Dairy Farm Project “with worthy virtues of integrity, dedication and performance towards company growth .

Therefore, CWAY management henceforth, mandates ‘ Staff Recognition Awards' in all affiliates as a regular event to encourage more staff across boards to emulate Mr Terseer Taakper and demonstrate quality service , performance and above all , integrity virtues in all assigned roles .

CWAY Group's Staff Performance Award to Mr Terseer Taakper
- July 5th 2022

The 18th of March 2022, a bright beautiful clement work day with a promising weather as perceived by Staff of CWAY Food and Beverages' all who appeared in pump and pleasantry moods and gracefully welcomed His Royal Highness, Oba Timothy Oyesola Akinsanya, the Ewusi of Makun Kingdom along side His high chiefs and honourables to the permanent site of CWAY Food and Beverages' Industrial Park facilities through an aided tour by the Company's top management led by Mr Singer (Executive Board Director) & Mr Micheal Lee ( DMD) both who extrolled and welcomed the Oba and all guest in attendance officially .

His Royal Highness, Oba Timothy Oyesola Akinsanya , who in return, after the facility tour, expressed with appreciation the existing cordial relationship between His kingdom and CWAY with special emphasis of the various contributions of CWAY to the immediate community in terms of quality products always, employment opportunities, youth development schemes, CSR supports to Orphanages and the current ongoing community primary school CSR project amongst others. His Royal Highness, gave His prayers and royals blessings to the Company's management and called out for more beneficial investments and corporate social economic developments from CWAY in Ogun State . The memorable event in colourful Nigerian traditional attires show cased by the Highness's high chiefs was well attended.


Cway India Office reopened on 1st October, 2021.


22nd March 2021 World Water Day

Water is prime. The global perception of availability of potable water and its value chains to world population is undoubtedly scarce in supply.

Career Growth Scheme CWAY 2021 multinational staff promotion recognition on the basis of outstanding performance in various department of the company.